Friday, September 20, 2013

Adjustments, No Back Pain, The Network, and 'Big Brother.'

The pellet boiler has been in for just over a week now and things are still going great.  We are still seeing the same pellet consumption and have turned on the heat due to the colder evenings here in Northern Maine.  The house is heating nicely with the new plumbing and the Kedel.  I am averaging .008 lbs/ sq. ft. of pellets to heat the house and DHW; or roughly 16 lbs per per day ($1.60)  My oil fired boiler is still online but I haven't heard the steady drone of that money sucker since the Kedel went in. I also haven't had to sharpen or oil my chainsaw nor fuel up the log splitter.  I'm enjoying spending more time in the field scouting ducks and geese rather than spending time at the wood pile. And my back is happier too.

We are currently doing adjustments to the Kedel to reach it's peak efficiency for my house.  I have 3 heating zones and a 4th zone feeding the boilermate.  We have started turning down the power level to the minimum needed recover the DHW without realizing any lack of hot water.  Once we are heating full time later this fall/winter I think it will be easier to recognize the effects of the setting changes.  Right now we are having significant weather swings that we need heat one day and not the next.

The Kedel gave me a message on the control panel earlier in the week saying that an adjustment could be done with the fan speed and fuel consumption.  This wasn't an 'Alarm' message which would have notified me (and my technicians if I wish) by email.  This was just an 'Info' message telling me that a change could be done to improve efficiency.  I hate the fact that this thing may be smarter than I am.  A few quick email exchanges with my techs and Kedel and I changed settings to address the issue.  A few clicks on the control panel brought up a line chart visually representing the prior levels and, over time, the effects of the new changes.  I almost wish the Kedel would be running more often so I can see the effects immediately.

I also  received an email from my techs and Kedel who have been monitoring the operation of my boiler via the network.  They noticed that I had failed to turn on the weather compensation functions available after connecting the Kedel to the network.  I had provided them with my access codes previously so they could make changes if necessary, so they changed it for me remotely.  Some people have told me that they didn't like the idea of 'other people' being able to see what was going on in their basements.  Paranoid comments regarding  "big brother ."  We'll fear not,  I had the choice of making my information visible on the web, my location on a map was voluntary, and I did not have to give anyone my access codes if I chose not to.  I didn't even have to connect my Kedel to the network if I didn't want to, and it can be disconnected just as fast.  It was my choice to give access to people who know more about the Kedel than me.  Why wouldn't I?  It's not like the CIA, FBI, MLB, NFL or any other acronyms care what the water temperature is in my system or if I just added a bag of pellets to my hopper.  If you are worried about "other people" seeing whats happening in your house don't Tweet about it, update your Facebook status with it or watch cable, satellite tv, send an email, use the internet, smart phone or use smoke signals from your chimney.  Someone is watching.


  1. I'm curious as to how the rest of your winter went with the boiler. I'm considering putting one in this summer and I live in northern (way northern) NY and probably have a similar weather environment to you. Are you still a fan of the kedel?

    1. Mike, I am still a fan of the Kedel. I was very happy with the way it performed over the winter. Take a look at some of the updated posts and if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them.
